Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Use Rogaine For Thicker Hair, And For Thinner Hair Get A Haircut

Well unofficially this blog is about me, and what I do... So I figured that I would mention something about me once, and that is a couple days ago I had my hair thinned out. My hair had gotten somewhat long, and my hair is thick. So I had it thinned out... Now I am not sure, but this is my hair this morning haha. It was raining and it was windy... But I style it like this anyways. So make fun of me or love it, but this is me, with a little rain and wind :P The rain and wind messed it up a bit haha... And I can't fix it by looking at the webcam. haha... So this is one of my first posts almost completely about me.

Taken on a cheap webcam while talking to my brother haha...


  1. Elizabeth doesn't like it, she said you look strange......and we all think you use haha too yeah...haha....haha....haha.....haha...
