Tuesday, December 28, 2010

This is a Post


So its been since Christmas that I have made a post... So I thought I would make another one...

But I am not sure what to right about... Recently things have been rather uneventful. Met a new friend, but otherwise not much else is new. God surely blesses us.

Its about a month and 3 or 4 days until the next semester... So I am doing Chucks to get ahead on it... So that is what I am doing haha...

 I have also been practicing my Japanese... But I have a horrible memory... So yeah, it is a fight...

I recently started playing some on the guitar... But to little avail, as I can't read all the Kanji... But there are two songs that I play that an American artist translated into English... haha... So I sing and play on the guitar two Japanese songs...

Kiseki by Greeeeen (キセキ)
島唄 by The Boom

I do the English versions of these done by Andrew W.K.
Shima Uta

But yeah, this has been my time recently. I hope I didn't bore you... Enjoy the songs haha...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Chuck Smith on Movies, Books, and TV

They are filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, spiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affections, implacable, unmerciful (Rom 1:29-31):
Sounds like the morning newspaper. We are surrounded. We see the inevitable consequences of man trying to rule God out of his life. We see it in our society in which we live, these very things, prevalent in our society.
Who, knowing the judgment of God, that they who commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them (Rom 1:32).
Now you watch soap operas? Do you enjoying watching soap operas? Do you enjoy watching Dallas? Do you enjoy watching a murder mystery? Do you enjoy watching movies that have these X-rated features to them? If you enjoy watching these things, then are you not taking pleasure in those who do them? You see, you may go off very self righteously and say, "I never commit fornication. I have never murdered anybody, or I have never done this or that or the other." But Paul says, "Not only do they do them, but they take pleasure in those that do them." That is a person actually enjoys reading about it. Or a person enjoys watching it portrayed. Things that I wouldn't think about doing myself, but there is some kind of an excitement watching someone else do it. That is taking pleasure in those that do. Be careful, God help us. We are being bombarded on every side by Satan's wiles, seeking to snare us, draw us in. Because it is fascinating, it is interesting, "Oh, it is just life and I am just interested in life." Rationalize how you please. Be careful if you take pleasure in people who do these things, watching them do these things.

Chapter 2
Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judges (Rom 2:1):
You see, I read this list and I say, "Oh, yes, it is horrible. My, I just don't know what we are going to do, the world is going so terrible, bad. Terrible that people would do those kind of things, terrible that people would live like that." Well, you are inexcusable O man whoever you are that judges.
for wherein you judge another, you are condemning yourself; for you that judge are doing the same things (Rom 2:1).
We have got to be careful of this judgment bit. Because if I have the capacity to judge someone else and say, "That is wrong, he should not be doing that." Then I am condemning myself, because I know it is wrong and if I do it, it is doubly wrong, because I know it is wrong because I said it was wrong. You know, it is amazing how horrible our sins look when someone else is doing them. Let someone else commit my sins, and I can get just all kind of righteous indignation. I can tell you why I did it, I can justify it. But it is horrible when someone else does it. It is terrible. Be careful, O man, whoever you are who judges, you are only condemning yourself because you are testifying to the fact that you know better, when you have done those things yourself.

Chuck Smith really challenged me with this... Am I pleased with the sins of others? Am I finding enjoyment in listening, watching, or acting sin? When I play games do I find the sin enacted in them enjoyable? In the movies I watch? In the books I read?

Take this warning from Chuck seriously... Don't brush it off as him being legalistic... Because Chuck didn't come up with idea... Paul did... And if Paul says that finding enjoyment in others sins is a sin... Then I would take that seriously... Please if you are a follower of The Way then follow... Don't drag your feet trying to bring the dirt with you... Remove those things in your life that aren't pleasing God... Don't fall into the trap of "oh Chuck is just legalistic..." Paul said it not Chuck... Take this warning seriously..


Just yesterday I came back from an island called Tonaki Island. It is a small island, that is considered a historical preservation. But this island at the moment has only one Christian on it. His name is Izuru san, and he is the only Christian on the island.

We traveled to Tonaki this week for about three days. We had a Christmas party with Izuru, which was his first one. We worshiped together, fellowshipped, and spent time together. Altogether it was a blessed time. Tonaki is where my grandmother's old house is... So I went to go check that out and all that fun stuff...

This is the main road. It is one of the few roads with lights on it so its easy to find. The Church has a house on this road, in front of one of the few restaurants on Tonaki... I think there are like 3 or 4 of them haha...

Here is a picture from what I call the DoCoMo hill... Because this is the hill that has the cell phone companies' tower on it. DoCoMo is the company so its is dubbed the DoCoMo hill. My grandmother's house is somewhere in that village... Actually... All the houses are in that village...

So we spent some time on Tonaki. It was a good time of fellowship with Izuru san.

But now I am back in Oki (Didn't get sea sick either way praise the Lord)... And we have some random things planned. It is more like we were invited to spend Christmas (and the surrounding days) with many different people... So now our small group is going to have a lot of Christmas's...

Also it looks like I may have a job soon, so please pray as it is an early morning job... 4:30am - 12:30pm, or 10:00am - 6:00 pm... So please pray for all this...

This song has been on my mind a lot lately. Love it... Thought I would share it with everyone.

What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear!

What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer!

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged—
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful,
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Are we weak and heavy-laden,
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge—
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In His arms He’ll take and shield thee,
Thou wilt find a solace there.
Blessed Savior, Thou hast promised
Thou wilt all our burdens bear;
May we ever, Lord, be bringing
All to Thee in earnest prayer.
Soon in glory bright, unclouded,
There will be no need for prayer—
Rapture, praise, and endless worship
Will be our sweet portion there.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

“I fear the prayers of John Knox more than all the assembled armies of Europe.”

This was reportedly said by Mary, queen of the Scots. But she had a point. 

James 5:16 The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. (NLT)

I like this translation the best... It doesn't really follow the Greek, but I don't think that this is a blasphemous statement. Prayer is powerful and it results in God's will... In context the verse is talking about those who confess sin and are saved... So I am one using a bad translation of the verse, and I am using it out of context... But I still believe that this verse is true. Prayer is powerful, and it will bring out wonderful results.

A better translation of this verse might be something like this... (I am not a Greek scholar so don't take my word on it haha...)

The constant effort of the righteous to plea to God has the power to effect much...

Something like that... Here is the Greek structure / definitions (Thanks to Blue Letter Bible)

ἐνεργέω (energeo) -
1) to be operative, be at work, put forth power
        a) to work for one, aid one
2) to effect
3) to display one's activity, show one's self operative

δέησις (deesis) -
1) need, indigence, want, privation, penury
2) a seeking, asking, entreating, entreaty to God or to man

δίκαιος (dikiaos) -
1) righteous, observing divine laws
       a) in a wide sense, upright, righteous, virtuous, keeping the commands of God
            1) of those who seem to themselves to be righteous, who pride themselves to be righteous, who pride               themselves in their virtues, whether real or imagined
2) innocent, faultless, guiltless
3) used of him whose way of thinking, feeling, and acting is wholly conformed to the will of God, and who therefore needs no rectification in the heart or life
        a) only Christ truly
4) approved of or acceptable of God
        b) in a narrower sense, rendering to each his due and that in a judicial sense, passing just judgment on others, whether expressed in words or shown by the manner of dealing with them

ἰσχύω (ischyo) -
1) to be strong
       a) to be strong in body, to be robust, to be in sound health
2) to have power
       a) to have power as shown by extraordinary deeds
1) to exert, wield power, to have strength to overcome
       b) to be a force, avail
       c) to be serviceable
       d) to be able, can

ἐνεργέω (energeo) -
1) to be operative, be at work, put forth power
        a) to work for one, aid one
2) to effect
3) to display one's activity, show one's self operative

πολύς (polys)
1) many, much, large

So yeah... Prayer is important... It helps us to do God's will...

With all this I have a few prayer requests...

I just today went and had a job interview... Please pray that if it is God's will that I could get this job.
If I don't get a job please pray that God will continue to increase my faith in Him.
If I do get the job please pray that God would strengthen me to work and do school.
Also pray that I would have continued peace this semester.
I am planning on trying to get out to Tonaki Island this week. God's provision and will for this.
Also please continue to pray for God's will concerning Korea and opportunity to minister there.

Thanks so much... 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

How Many Chucks Can A Wood Chuck Chuck If A Wood Chuck Chuck; If A Wood Chuck Could Chuck Chucks?

7 A Week... Sorry Bible College joke.

Well my mind is being burnt out by an abundance of Chuck tracks. I really don't enjoy Chuck tracks, but Chuck does have some good things to say. For me its like watching re-runs over and over. A majority of what Chuck says is something I already know, but I do occasionally catch a different scene, or something I never noticed, or perhaps something has a different emphasis the second time I watch it.

So I have a bit of time during Chuck tracks as Chuck usually goes on at least one rant. So I decided might as well put pieces of a blog post together in these rants. So this post will be rather random, or it might not be, but I hope you enjoy reading it.

So randomness away

(These will be a collections of song lyrics that I am listening to, random quotes from Chuck that I like or that speak to me, and random thoughts I have that might be stirred from song lyrics or Chuck. So because my brain is fried your probably going to get the purest form of my thoughts... Have fun, I will apologize later.)

He is wonderful... He is wonderful... - Dear Music by Showbread

It seems that anytime a city becomes a place of trade and commerce, it is known as a wicked evil city. Corinth was a port city that had much trade in it. But Corinthians were known to be the scum of the earth. It was said to live like a Corinthian meant that you were an immoral partier who had nothing better to do than get drunk, party, and break commandments. We can also see this with Nineveh, it was the capital of Assyria (I believe) and it was known also for its wickedness. Babylon was a mighty city that was filled with wealth. We can see this today even. With American cities such as Las Vegas, Miami, Los Angeles, New York, Detroit, I am not too sure about any cities outside of America, but I wouldn't doubt the case is the same. It seems the more people you gather in one spot the worse your community gets. - My own thoughts.

We have a responsibility to witness to people, we don't have the responsibility to convert them. In fact, we have the inability to convert them. - Chuck Smith (Acts 18-19)

All my life I've searched for something. All my life I needed something. That somethings You. - Nothing More Than Light by Conspiracy of Thought

When Paul wrote the book of Romans he was in Corinth; and in the first few chapters he talks about the wickedness of man. He was simply describing the way people were around him. - Chuck Smith

Christmas is in 16 days (in Japan mind you). 

Fear only comes when we lose consciousness of the Lord. - Chuck Smith

When God tells us not to be afraid, chances are we are afraid. We don't need to be afraid though, because God is with us... Me..

Your love is deep, Your love is high, Your love is breaking boundaries of earth and sky. Your love is near, Your love is far, Your love reminds us broken people who we are. We're Yours, no greater love that this, than Your's. - Breaking Boundaries by Calling Out Closer

Ska is not dead... - Me

Don't be like Lot's wife...When running away from sin, don't look back at all. Don't look back because you miss sin, don't look back disgusted with sin, look only at Christ. The Lord forgot your sin, forget it yourself. The Lord hates sin, hate it yourself. Don't look back, only look at Christ. - Me

The Holy Spirit points us to Jesus Christ. - Chuck Smith

The greatest capacity that a man can be is a channel for the Spirit of God to flow. - Chuck Smith

Get out your concordance and go through the book of Acts. I am not going to do it for you, your getting lazy. - Chuck Smith

Sometimes the best lessons are object lessons. - Chuck Smith

Jesus, I'm calling out to You. Jesus, I am reaching out to You. - The Invitation by See The Light

Watch for those who emphasize what you can give to God, because the New Testament emphasizes what God has given to you. - Chuck Smith

Chances are if your pastor is telling you that God needs your help, than your in the wrong Church. - Me

Well yeah, I am done with this... Haha hopefully something speaks to you... I just needed something to keep me sane for today.

God bless,
And to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and give you peace. To Him be wisdom, power, and glory forever.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Are you On-Tract?

Hey I thought I would share this site, because if you are in some random country, or visiting one... And you want to share the Gospel, but all you have are your English tracts... Chances are this site has a free Gospel message in the language of that country... Its got a pretty good list of languages...


So if you need a good Gospel presentation in some language you don't know... Here is a source of translation... I am not 100% sure on the accuracy of all the languages... But I know that the Japanese is correct haha... I had the Korean checked... But I was told that it needed to be changed a bit... So I am going to try to figure out how to fix that... But these would be a good resource for getting the Gospel out wherever you are.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

In The Event Of A Fire, Use The Gospel

So things get hot in my life. It seems like everything is burning up. My foundations stand firm while the walls of my life seem to be breaking down. The fire of trials and temptations burn all around me and the walls of pride, self, and life are burning like an old barn house. Go figure I would be stuck in the middle of all of it.

I look towards the closet, a red object. A fire extinguisher? Sure enough the fire extinguisher is there. Its in easy reach. But I remembered that I left something back in my Idol room. I run, barely dodging the falling timber from the wooden ceilings. I get to the door and its shut. I have only a few moments before this building collapses, but I have to get that Idol back. I kick at the door, the flames making it easy to break through. Crackling of bursting wood catches me off guard and I flinch fearing to be hit, but by God's grace I wasn't.

So many Idols in this room, I go and reach for one a black backpack. I sling it onto my back the weight slowing me down. A board falls in front of me barely missing me. I exit the room, and look for that fire extinguisher. In the same place, I grab the fire extinguisher but have a problem. The Idol pack is heavy, I can't carry it without relieving the weight with my hands. I can't carry both the precious Idol and the life saving extinguisher.

Choices choices... I could save the Idol and perhaps use it to build a new house. It could gain me a lot. But what good is any of that if I lose my life in an attempt to keep it. I have to drop the Idol. So I make the decision and go to drop the Idol, but it drags me down to the floor, and I am burnt by the burning walls of pride. I can't get up on my own. What a mistake! To grab that Idol and try escaping with it. It only proved to be my death.

I struggle, trying to get the Idol off myself, but I can't do it. But then I remember, a friend of mine gave me something. I didn't think much of it when he gave it to me, but now it comes to mind. I reach into my left pocket. A small silver metallic object. A switchblade. The knife seemed so insignificant, I didn't think I would ever need one. I scoffed at him when he told me it would save my life one day. With it I was able to cut the Idol off of my back.

I grabbed the extinguisher, my only source of life. I began to fire at the flames. But the fire was huge. All that was left was to let the walls of pride, self and life burn down. But I didn't have to go down with it. The extinguisher helped me get to safety outside. I stood outside and watched the futile efforts of the fire department (the world) try to save that house. They sprayed it down with self confidence, self love, and prideful efforts. But I stood by and watched it burn. As I began to lose that house of self the fire chief placed his hand on my shoulder and said, 

"I'm sorry, its a shame, but we couldn't keep it up." 
To which I replied, 
"Let it burn, I've got a new one." 

He laughed and shook his head as he walked away.

I looked at the rubble. Charred walls, shattered glass, and nothing but a worthless pile. I kicked through the debris, nothing left but the foundation. For a moment I wondered what I would do. Left with nothing, but a firm foundation. Sure I could start to build, but on my own? I stood there and noticed a man on my debris. He was slowly sweeping things away. 

"Who are you?" I called out to Him
"I'm the Landlord, I laid this foundation."
"Oh, I'm sorry for the house." I meekly replied, not sure what to say.
"No worries I have been waiting for you to burn it down, it was such an eyesore."

I looked at Him sheepishly.

"You've been waiting for me to burn it down?"
"Well yes," he replied with a grin, "I can't build something new with that old mess there."
I looked at the pile of garbage, "You want to make something new?"
He smiled bigger, "And better. And now that there's nothing in the way."
I smiled at the stranger simply glad to have my life, "So whats this new house like?"
He looked up and then back at me, "Mine." He replied and continued sweeping.

I smiled, He smiled. Then a few more people arrived, and began to help with the debris.

"Who are these people?" I asked the man.
"Them? Oh these are people whose houses I've rebuilt. Many of them just like you. We all spend time together, help each other out, and those sort of things. Its really just a big family..." He smiled His warm smile again.
"Am I a part of this now?" I excitedly asked. I was worried though, so many good people how could I be like them? He probably didn't even want me there.
"Why of course!" He interrupted my thoughts. "If you weren't welcome I wouldn't have built this foundation. Now sit down and I'll build My house for you."

He continued to work on my broken house I tried to help, but with my burnt arms I could do nothing. He smiled and set me down and said,

"My work." and smiled and continued to work.