Sunday, July 17, 2011

Nakijin Youth Retreat

So I said I would write a post on this. Well I am finally getting around to it.

So the trip was awesome and was a huge blessing. I didn't get that many pictures though because I am not used to having a camera lol.

So to start off what was the whole trip?

This was a youth event organized by a group called JacobsGen with MTTM or Ministry To The Military. If I remember correctly this is a ministry that works with the youth on military bases or just kids of military. But I could be wrong.

They were led though to do one of these camps on Okinawa and it was a huge blessing.

So what did we do?

Jenny sharing the Word.

Nathan and the double rainbow
Keagen leading worship.

Romeo, Debbie, and Bryan performing a skit.

This was a seemingly pretty normal camp. We had teachings, worship, and some fun things. So why was this camp so different? I think the people made a difference. The group that came were such a blessing as their desire was to serve the Lord. They soaked things in prayer and were a blessing to serve alongside. It was refreshing to serve with a group who's passion was to bless the Lord.

I could share so much on what went on but I don't have the time to write it all down. But really it was a normal camp but I believe what made this different was the servants of the Lord who were there.

Thanks guys and I hope to see you next year.

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